工程科学论坛之塞姆南大学Saman Rashidi教授报告会成功举办


711日下午,塞姆南大学能源系的助理教授Saman Rashidi受邀为我院师生学术报告,报告题目为“Recent advances in solar stills”。报告由热科学和能源工程系李桂强教授主持。

Dr. Rashidi给与会师生带来了一场精彩的学术报告。本报告围绕太阳能蒸馏器性能改进方面的进展展开Dr. Rashidi指出地球上大约97%的水是咸水或被污染的,只剩下3%是淡水,其中只有不到1%是人类可以轻易获取的。太阳能海水淡化作为解决可持续发展所有要素中水资源短缺问题的最可行技术,正日益受到重视。太阳能蒸馏器作为满足农村和偏远地区对清洁水需求的最有效替代方案之一,许多研究人员对提高太阳能蒸馏器热性能开展了研究。报告结束后,Dr. Rashidi与大家进行了深入交流。本次报告让大家更加深入地了解了相关领域地最新进展,促进了学术交流。


Dr Rashidi received his BA and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering at Semnan University Iran in 2010 and 2013, respectively. He received PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering, Energy Conversion Field, at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran in 2016. He is currently the assistant professor of the Department of the Energy in Semnan University. His research interests are about the solar thermal energy systems, solar stills, investigation of different techniques used for efficiency improvement of various thermal systems, entropy generation analysis and transport phenomena. He has published about 100 refereed journal papers in Domestic and International Journals. Being on the list of the most cited researchers in the top one percent of the world extracted from ESI and WOS and publishing a paper in the journal of Progress in Energy and Combustion Science with Impact Factor of 29.394 as the first author, 2022 are honors of Dr Rashidi.


 撰稿人:王敏 李亚慧 胡俊
