

  2015年5月13日至14日,中国科学技术大学工程学院精密机械与精密仪器系接待了来自美国俄亥俄州立大学的眼科科学专Cynthia J. Roberts教授及微纳技术专家Derek J. Hansford副教授。                 

  5月13日上午9:00在科大西区力二楼302会议室,Roberts教授首先为大家带来了一场题为《Engineering Vision: Biomedical Engineering applications in Ophthalmology》的精彩学术报告。报告主要阐述了角膜生物力学特性的实用测量方法。随后,Hansford教授作了题为《Engineering the cellular microenvironment》的报告,向大家介绍了控制细胞的机械和化学微环境方面知识。两位教授还与现场师生进行了互动,不少同学踊跃的提出了问题,两位老师也作了耐心的回答。报告结束之后,两位教授来到学校微纳中心、生科院公共实验平台以及工程学院相关实验室进行了简短的参观。实验室的部分同学用英文向他们介绍了自己的项目,得到了教授们的赞许。


1 Roberts教授报告现场


                                                     2 Hansford教授报告现场






图4 Roberts和Hansford教授于安徽医科大学合影留念 



图5 Roberts和Hansford教授参观安徽医科大学实验室



  Dr. Roberts is currently Professor in Ophthalmology and Biomedical Engineering at The Ohio State University, and holds the Martha G. and Milton Staub Chair for Research in Ophthalmology. Her broad research focus is “Ophthalmic Engineering” or the application of engineering principles and problem solving techniques to problems for the maintenance and/or improvement of vision. Dr. Roberts serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Refractive Surgery, the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, and the International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases.  She has given over 200 invited lectures internationally. Dr. Roberts received the inaugural Barrequer Medal from the Brazilian Society of Refractive Surgery in 2008. She was inducted as a Fellow in the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering in 2009, and was recognized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology with an Achievement Award in 2012.   In 2014, she was named in Power List of the 100 Most Influential People in Ophthalmology .


  Dr. Hansford is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering of the Ohio State University. His research has investigated polymer microfabrication process development, biophysical aspects of cell culture and biotechnology, nanofluidic development for defined delivery of biomolecules, and the biomechanical aspects of biocompatibility. He has provided invited presentations in Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, China, Colombia, and India, and was a visiting professor in Portugal and Spain in 2010-2011. He also serves as the Chief Scientist of Microfabrication at the Ohio Nanotech West Laboratory at OSU (nanotech.osu.edu). He has supported a research effort of over $3.5M, with more than 60 journal publications, over 105 proceedings papers and abstracts, several book chapters, and 5 awarded US patents.