工程科学论坛之“Pathways for zero carbon emission housing in Australia by 2050”报告会成功举办


1227日下午,工程科学论坛之“Pathways for zero carbon emission housing in Australia by 2050报告会在力五楼901举办,来自澳大利亚CSIRO Energy DivisionZhengen Ren博士受邀做学术报告,本次报告由工程科学学院副院长裴刚教授主持。

Dr Zhengen Ren给与会师生带来了一场精彩的学术报告。本次报告围绕澳大利亚到2050年实现净零碳排放住房的途径展开。基于澳大利亚的目标是到2050年实现净零碳排放的背景,澳大利亚能源部在2019年通过了低能耗建筑发展轨迹。住宅建筑发展轨迹的一个关键方面是扩大全国房屋能源评级计划(NatHERS),以提供国家认可的全屋(WoH)工具,以满足国家建筑规范的要求。CSIRONatHERS委托,为新建和现有住房开发基准WoH工具,并应用基于物理的方法来减缓和适应气候变化,建筑环境的复原力,以及向城市可持续性过渡。报告结束后,Dr Zhengen Ren与大家进行了深入交流,探讨了净零碳排放、建筑节能等方面的科学问题,促进了相关领域学者的学术交流。




报告人简介:Dr Zhengen Ren, Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO Energy Division, develops and applies physically-based approaches to climate mitigation and adaptation, and resilience of the built environment, and transitions to urban sustainability. Over the past 25 years abroad, Zhengen’s research is concentrated on energy efficient and healthy buildings. Since joined CSIRO 2007, he has been leading the development of the methodology and tools for simulation of building thermal (energy) performance, including benchmark tools for rating whole house energy consumption and bills for NCC 2022 (Australian Construction Codes) for new and existing residential buildings, the AusZEH design tool for zero/low carbon emission housing design/retrofitting, multizone ventilation and infiltration, and heat loss through ground models for improvement to the Chenath engine (core engine for residential building simulation), and physically-based bottom-up housing stock energy model.

Prior to joining CSIRO, Zhengen worked as research assistant (PhD research studentship) and research fellow at the Queen’s University Belfast from 1999-2007. He led the development of COwZ – an integrated multizone with subzone model for indoor air quality, which has been used widely, including the researchers/engineers from the universities and industry in USA, China and EU.  

Zhengen has an extensive scientific publications record - including five book chapters and over 100 reviewed papers and technical reports. Zhengen received BEng and MEng from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1986 and 1989 respectively, and PhD from the Queen’s University Belfast (UK) in 2002.
