

719日下午,美国加州大学欧文分校土木与环境工程教授金文龙受邀为我院师生学术报告,报告题目为“Relative space and new paradigm for transportation energy systems modeling and management。报告由热科学和能源工程系胡茂彬副教授主持。



Prof. Dr. Wen-Long Jin (BS in Automatic Control, USTC 1998; PhD in Applied Mathematics, UC Davis, 2003) is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Irvine. He has systematically studied network traffic flow theory, capacity drop and lane-changing models, connected vehicle systems theory, and green driving strategies. He is an editorial board editor of Transportation Research Part B and Transportation Science and an Associate Editor of Transportmetrica B. He has published one textbook entitled “Introduction to Network Traffic Flow Theory” and numerous journal and conference articles.


 撰稿人:王敏 李亚慧 胡俊
