工程科学论坛之“Energy Transport in Extremely Confined Domains”报告会成功举办


 20221121日至23日,爱荷华州立大学王信伟教授做客中国科学技术大学“2022工程科学论坛”为工程科学学院师生做系列线上学术报告,系列报告主题为“Energy Transport in Extremely Confined Domains”。报告会由热科学和能源工程系程文龙教授主持。






 Dr. Xinwei Wang is the Anson Marston Distinguished Professor and Wilkinson Professor in Interdisciplinary Engineering at Iowa State University (http://web.me.iastate.edu/wang). He obtained his Ph.D. from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University in 2001, M.S. (1996) and B.S. (1994) from the University of Science and Technology of China. Over the past 20 years, he has led his laboratory to develop new techniques for characterizing thermal transport at the micro/nanoscale, including the TET, ET-Raman, TD-Raman, and FR-Raman techniques. His lab reported the first work on distinguishing the optical and acoustic phonon temperatures under intense photon excitation, and determining their energy coupling factor. His work on conjugated phonon and hot carrier transport represents the first accomplishment in distinguishing these two physical processes and quantifying their transport diffusivities. The thermal reffusivity theory developed in his lab provides a novel way to characterizing material’s structure domain size, similar to that measured by x-ray diffraction, but has unique applications for nanomaterials. He received the inaugural Viskanta Fellow Award of Purdue University in recognition of his pioneering and independent work in thermal sciences. He is the recipient of the Mid-career Award for Research (2014) and Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research (2018) from ISU. He is the Fellow of ASME and Associate Fellow of AIAA. He serves as the senior and associate editor of four international journals and is on the editorial board of five journals.


撰稿人:王敏 李亚慧 胡俊
