徐志平教授“The Life of Low-Dimensional Materials: Growth, Aging and Degradatio”报告会成功举办


523日下午1030点,清华大学徐志平教授在力四楼201会议室受邀做学术报告,题目为“The Life of Low-Dimensional Materials: Growth, Aging and Degradatio”。报告会由工程科学学院执行院长吴恒安主持。


徐志平教授给与会师生带来了一场精彩的学术报告。徐志平教授介绍了Modeling collective behaviors of atoms and microscopic kinetics of materials are key steps to predict their performance. With insights from first-principles and empirical models for electronics and ions, computer simulations are now ready to explore material behaviors across multiple spatial and temporal scales. The growth, ageing, and degradation processes of materials can be resolved even from the atomic scale. However, there are also challenges introduced for theoretical convenience, or to contain computational costs. In this talk, a few case studies will be presented following our recent work on low-dimensional nanostructures such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, hexagonal boron nitride. Focus will be placed on the essence of interatomic interaction models in studying (1) crystal growth and perfection, (2) fatigue strength and defect tolerance, (3) damage and electronic excitation by ion irradiation。在自由讨论环节,与会师生积极提问交流,反响热烈。



 徐志平博士于20022007年分别获得清华大学学士、博士学位,此后在美国Rice大学和MIT从事博士后研究工作。2010年起供职于清华大学航天航空学院,现任工程力学系教授,当前研究兴趣有 (1)  微纳米尺度物质与能量输运过程,(2) 材料生长、缺陷演化动力学与服役行为。

